A minimum of two sets BDU's. You also need a field jacket with a liner, extra heavy wool socks, a pair of gloves, the best boots you can afford.
Unit patches are to be worn on the left shoulder, below the Florida flag. The three-percenter flag is to be worn on the right shoulder.
M-1 Recruit: In basic Level One training, undergoing screening and evaluation during mandatory 90-day probationary period. This is also the entry rank for those who respond to a real call up.
M-2 Private: Basic militiaman-has attained Level One training and equipment standards. Can operate unsupported in the field for a 24-hour period.
M-3 Private First Class: Primary Forces militiaman - Assistant Team Leader. Must assist in the training of M-1's through the buddy system or one on one interactive training. Has met all Level Two training and equipment standards. Can operate unsupported in the field for a 72 hour period.
M-4 Corporal (Team Leader): Has served as an M-3 for a period of 6 months. He has mastered all Level 1 and 2 skills and is capable of teaching them to others. The M-4 has a good working knowledge of small unit tactics, troop leading procedures and has proven his leadership qualities in the field.